I think therefore I am – or am I?
What if I told you that you’re not who you think you are? What if I told you that the negative voice in your head is not you? I recently saw a quote that said: “Do you remember who you were before the world told you who you are?” And this sums up exactly what this article is going to be about. As you grow up, you learn. You learn some pretty useful things along the way. But the knowledge that you are taught throughout your life is very limited and some of it is fundamentally false.
I can tell you with a 100% certainty that most people on this planet have negative thoughts about themselves every single day. Where do these negative thoughts come from? Do you actually believe them? How many times have you told yourself that you’re not good enough? That you’re not doing enough? You’re not worthy of love? That you’re not capable of achieving great things? That you’re weird? A looser? That nobody likes you?
“You are not the negative voice in your head. You are consciousness. And consciousness is unconditional love.”
The more you’re telling yourself these negative stories – the more you believe them. These negative assumptions are actually subconscious beliefs mostly formed during childhood. At some point in your life, someone or some situation gave you the impression that you are not good enough. And this belief sticks like superglue. Not only that, it creates incoherence in your body. For some, it even creates physical pain.
Now, we’re all consciousness. And consciousness is unconditional love. So why would consciousness tell you that you’re not good enough? Well, it doesn’t. Your ego is telling you that you’re not good enough. And your ego wants to be right more than anything. The key here is to stop listening to it. You have to realise that you are not the negative voice in your head. You are unconditional love and you deserve to be happy. And in order to be happy, you have to start ignoring the voice that is telling you that you’re not good enough. Or whatever negative things it is telling you on a daily basis.
How do I get rid of subconscious beliefs?
Once you start to question your negative thoughts, you will actually see how they’re just programmed loops. And you will be able to find out where they’re coming from and how you can release them. Consciousness wants you to be happy and have a wonderful experience on this planet. And to get there, all you have to do is be kind to yourself. Whenever you get a negative thought, tell yourself that you consciously disagree. I am not good enough. I consciously disagree. Not worthy of love. Consciously disagree. I wont make my dreams come true. I consciously disagree. Because it is not true. Reprogramme your mind and see how your world starts to change. Kindness starts within. And change can only happen within.
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Such a fantastic post sweetie!
Danielle | thereluctantblogger.co.uk
Thank you beautiful, I’m glad you enjoyed this post. Lot’s of love to you!